Pastor Nat’s Profile:

“I am excited to be here and to take up the role of teaching and shepherding for the glory of God.”
Pastor Nat
Hi! My name is Nat Erickson.
As pastor, here’s where I’m trying to go. The church exists to love God, love others, and teach people to do the same.
To carry out God’s big purpose for the church, we are pursuing connection. That looks like helping people connect to the love of God in Jesus, connecting to one another, connecting God’s love to their community, and learning to connect God’s truth into their daily life.
We want to join you on your spiritual journey, whether you are at the beginning, middle, end, or don’t even know if you are on one. Come along and join us as we seek to build a community of people being fully restored through God’s grace into the fullness of who God desires us to be.
So, if you’re seeking to better experience and understand God’s grace to humanity in Jesus, come join us!
I’ve learned well over the past couple years that a PhD in New Testament (especially Greek!), makes me no more than the novice pastor that I am. The room for improvement is the biggest room in the house. My wife and 3 kids keep me growing on the home front, too. As I learn and grow, there are a few places that I regularly write, teach, or make videos to share. Check out:
- The church blog
- My YouTube channel Pilgrim on the Way
- My personal blog, NT Greek et al., focused on Greek and other scholarly stuff
- My Medium profile where I write on a variety of topics including gospel meditation, a christian perspective on cultural issues, and creative writing.
- Staff
- Secretary: Tracy Block
- Custodian: Ella Ziemba
- Pianist: Jill Connin
- Technology Director: Jeremy Connin