Our New Pastor
We are excited to have extended a call to Rev. Nathaniel Erickson to be our next pastor, and that he has accepted our offer! Pastor Nat’s first Sunday will be January 23, 2022.
December 12, 2021 Service
The message today was presented by Rev. Nat Erickson, our pastoral candidate. The vote on whether to extend a call to Rev. Erickson will take place on December 19, after the worship service.
Caroling, December 18
The deacons are organizing caroling, to take place on December 18. We will meet at the church at 6 PM and then travel to houses to carol for those who request caroling, or who have been recommended. If you would be interested in caroling, or if you’d like to have us stop at your house (or if you can suggest a person for us to visit), contact the church office.
To visit a house, we need a name, address, and phone number. We will use that information to contact the person and confirm that they will be around for a visit that night.
December 5 Service
Festival of Lessons & Carols
Here is this year’s Festival of Lessons & Carols video, featuring readings and performances from some of our own congregants, as well as from many other area churches.
November 28 Service
November 21, 2021 Service Video
New Pastor Candidate
Pastor Nat Erickson and his family will come for a Candidating weekend December 11-12. They come from Houghton. Nat and his wife Maija have three young children. We are so excited to have them come and meet the FBC family.
There will be a potluck after Pastor Nat preaches on Sunday, December 12 for the congregation to visit with the family.
We will have a Special Business Meeting right after church on Sunday, December 19 when we will vote to accept the compensation agreement for and to call Nat Erickson as our full-time pastor. Any questions or comments, please reach out to the Pastoral Search Committee.
View the video of the service with Rev. Erickson preached here.