Good Friday Service Link

The Manistique Ministerial Association’s Good Friday Service will be held in person at the Zion Lutheran Church at 3 PM on Friday, April 15. It will also be accessible using Zoom through the link below using a smart phone, tablet, or other computer.

Join the Zoom Meeting: CLICK HERE

If you need to call in, use the information below:
Phone: +1 (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 906 341 5427
Passcode: 49854

Game Night, March 18, 2022

The church held a game night for grown-ups on March 18, 2022. The event was a blast, with many games played and many snacks eaten! Karen coordinated a “Pass the Pigs” tournament, and Jill and Maija played the final round with a set of giant pigs. In the end, Maija brought home the bacon (literally) and the whole group is looking forward to the next get-together!